Ville Aakko wrote:
> So I see there might be a need for documentation and solutions /
> examples on this kind of setups (at least I didn't find any if there
> already are). Can anyone point into such documentation? Does anyone
> have any good personal examples? How do you run your VDR with an X11
> output? Do you use the VDR box for other uses? If yes, how do you
> integrate the other applications?

I run my vdr with X11 output and use MythTV as media center to watch 
dvds and movie files(mythtv does not have TV cards configured).
If I shutdown the MythTV I can use normal desktop enviroment if I need 
to. From mythtv I can start vdr-sxfe with small script with irxevent 
(which I run as normal user). I think that this solution work well for me.

Vdr is started with --lirc=/dev/null option to ensure that it does not 
read lirc by itself.

run_vdrsxfe script:
irxevent &
vdr-sxfe --fullscreen --audio=alsa --lirc xvdr://
kill $IRXPID

prog = irxevent
button = Power
repeat = 3
config = Key Escape VDR

The system I run this is xubuntu. I did used to use kubuntu but there 
was some problem with KDE4 so I switch to xfce.


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