
I have try the patch and now no have error :

  unknown frame duration (1800), assuming 25 fps

But the problem with Video Data Broken stay.

Here are the errors with remux.c compile with static bool DebugFrames = true;

in /var/log/messages

Apr 19 19:10:15 solo vdr: [6769] Title: 'Sept à huit' Subtitle: '(null)'
Apr 19 19:10:15 solo vdr: [6769] record 
Apr 19 19:10:15 solo vdr: [6769] creating directory 
Apr 19 19:10:15 solo vdr: [6769] creating directory 
Apr 19 19:10:15 solo vdr: [6769] recording to 
Apr 19 19:10:15 solo vdr: [6810] recording thread started (pid=6769, tid=6810)
Apr 19 19:10:15 solo vdr: [6769] info: L'enregistrement a commencé
Apr 19 19:10:46 solo vdr: [6810] ERROR: video data stream broken
Apr 19 19:10:46 solo vdr: [6810] emergency exit request ignored according to 
Apr 19 19:11:17 solo vdr: [6810] ERROR: video data stream broken
Apr 19 19:11:17 solo vdr: [6810] emergency exit request ignored according to 
Apr 19 19:11:21 solo vdr: [6769] confirm: Arrêter l'enregistrement ?
Apr 19 19:11:21 solo vdr: [6769] warning: Arrêter l'enregistrement ?
Apr 19 19:11:23 solo vdr: [6769] confirmed
Apr 19 19:11:23 solo vdr: [6810] recording thread ended (pid=6769, tid=6810)
Apr 19 19:11:23 solo vdr: [6769] buffer stats: 37224 (0%) used
Apr 19 19:11:23 solo vdr: [6769] timer 2 (1 1910-2210 '@Sept à huit') stop
Apr 19 19:11:23 solo vdr: [6769] deleting timer 2 (1 1910-2210 '@Sept à huit')

and in the console when I start vdr with this command line :
./vdr -c /video/vdrconf/ -v ~henri/video_vdr/ -L ./PLUGINS/lib/ -P'xine -r' 

MakePrimaryDevice: 1
SetVideoFormat: 1
SetVolumeDevice: 255
frame: (0, 0)-(-1, -1), zoom: (1.00, 1.00)
SetAudioChannelDevice: 0
SetVolumeDevice: 255
SetPlayMode: 1
SetDigitalAudioDevice: 0
frame: (0, 0)-(-1, -1), zoom: (1.00, 1.00)
vdr-xine: Client connecting ...
vdr-xine: Client connected!
[vframe: (0, 0)-(720, 576), zoom: (1.00, 1.00)
aVMMMMA]buffered 8.4 frames (v:25.1, a:8.4)
frame: (0, 0)-(544, 576), zoom: (1.00, 1.00)
frame: (0, 0)-(544, 576), zoom: (1.00, 1.00)
frame duration = 3600  FPS = 25.00  FPPU = -2
 7.3 frames (v:27.6, a:7.3) <<<<<
 (0, 0)-(544, 576), zoom: (1.00, 1.00)



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