
My v 1.6.0 system has 2x Alphacrypt multi-CAMs.

Occasionally one of the CAMs seems to "crash" and if I go into Setup > CAM one of the CAMs changes from "Alphacrypt" to "CAM Ready" - and will no longer decrypt channels. I then correspondingly get a bunch of timer conflicts, as 1/2 my CAM resources have vanished. Only ever one CAM fails, never both.

I rectify this by selecting the CAM, and then hitting "reset" (sometimes a couple of times) - and it comes back.

Unless I go into the Setup > CAM menu, I'm unaware that the CAM has "crashed".

My request is......
Is there a way I can either
1)Automatically reset a CAM if it falls into this state


2)Be notified, by generating a console/kernel message, so I can know to come in and fix this.

Any ideas?

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