I'm wondering - does the problem with timing and sync also important and for 
for vdpau nvidia cards ? or that project is
important only for intel and ati ?


> > > Most of the content is still SD, and I am a real pedant about smooth
> > > video / interlaced output for scrolling text / live sports. Any time
> > > that I've played with vdr-xine or xineliboutput over my years with VDR,
> > > it's always been a bit juddery due to VGA timing not matching up with
> > > the TV.. is that improved any in the world of HD / HDMI?
> > > 
> > 
> > Take a look at these patches:
> > 
> > http://lowbyte.de/vga-sync-fields/
> > 
> > I believe they are useful also for HDMI/HD stuff. I haven't tried them yet
> > myself.
> > 
> > Original announcement:
> > http://www.linuxtv.org/pipermail/vdr/2008-July/017347.html
> > 
> > For Intel:
> > http://www.linuxtv.org/pipermail/vdr/2009-January/019330.html
> the Web site with more information is:
> http://frc.easy-vdr.de/

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