Al 02/10/10 10:54, En/na Teemu Suikki ha escrit:

I managed to fix 0.2.11 OSD.. It's quite simple, in file dxr3osd_subpicture.c

*** 87,92 ****
             if (Areas[i].bpp != 1&&
                 Areas[i].bpp != 2&&
!               Areas[i].bpp != 4&&
!               Areas[i].bpp != 8)
                 return oeBppNotSupported;
--- 87,91 ----
             if (Areas[i].bpp != 1&&
                 Areas[i].bpp != 2&&
!               Areas[i].bpp != 4)
                 return oeBppNotSupported;

So apparently "Areas" are not supported in 8bpp? I checked both git
versions (master and buffer-and-sync-rewrite) and they also have 8bpp
removed just like above.

Well, the osd doesn't even support 4bpp, especially when different areas can have different palettes, but it tries to manage with a series of hacks.
Anyway my osd works with the unpatched version (i.e.:

              if (Areas[i].bpp != 1&&
                  Areas[i].bpp != 2&&
                  Areas[i].bpp != 4&&
                  Areas[i].bpp != 8)


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