On 2011-02-01 19:48 +0100, Oliver Schinagl wrote:
> And the reason why I hadn't tried those:
> vdr-sxfe: option '--hud' doesn't allow an argument
> vdr-sxfe: unrecognized option '--opengl'

Then you have an old version of Xineliboutput. What does vdr-sxfe -h say
about the options? For example, I'm using the yaVDR-packaged version,
which is probably two or three weeks older than rofa's CVS build, and it
has these switches:

-D, --hud            Head Up Display OSD mode using compositing
-Q, --opengl-always  Always use OpenGL for video and Head Up Display OSD
-O, --opengl-hud     Head Up Display OSD mode using OpenGL

Since SourceForge's CVS servers are still down, it may be a bit tricky
to get the latest and greatest version.


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