I can't really say if the CVS server is still available. It's been
such a long time since I did work on softdevice, and I wasn't the main
developer either.

On 5 November 2013 00:04, Marko Mäkelä <marko.mak...@iki.fi> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 04, 2013 at 10:30:14PM +1000, Torgeir Veimo wrote:
>> Softdevice had transparency 'dithering' for when there's only 1-bit
>> transparency, did you look at that option?
> Thanks, but I guess I will be fine with the transparency key. The screen
> output would not be so much for watching videos, but mainly for setting up
> timers and cutting recordings. For watching, the plan is to stream the
> videos to the Samsung SmartTV in the living room.
> I will try to put back the dirty_lines[] optimization that I removed in my
> initial attempt (trying to make it as simple as possible). The system felt
> slow without that.
> You are one of the Softdevice authors, right? Is the CVS tree at berlios.de
> still open for patches? AFAICT, recent years the mailing list archive are
> corrupted, and the latest commit was a couple of years ago.
> Best regards,
>         Marko
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