On 12/08/2011 09:59 PM, Douglas Landgraf wrote:

On 12/08/2011 02:31 PM, Douglas Landgraf wrote:
On 12/08/2011 10:14 AM, Perry Myers wrote:
/opt is used for apps
/var/lib is for app data, so it sounds to me like it should be /var/lib/vdsm
/var/lib/vdsm is fine by me

   - brNET, where NET is a logical name of the network

                 brmgmt containing eth0 as the management LAN
                 brguest containing eth7 as the guest<->   guest LAN
                 brinet  containing eth42 as the guest<->   internet LAN
                 briscsi containing vlan7.3 for the iSCSI storage LAN
above convention is problematic due to the 'br' prefix which complicates flows 
like migration if physical representation of the logical network is not 
consistent across nodes (i.e. bridge on host a called brmgmt and nic alias on 
host b called ???)
Specifying the logical name alone seems the easiest path. i.e. 'vdsm' or 
No objections from me.  Using the br prefix is sort of for historical
consistency reasons (i.e. bridges usually have names like br0, br1,
etc), but I don't feel strongly about that.  So 'vdsm' is fine by me.

So unless we have a major objection in the near future we'll use:

vdsm as the interface name

Fell free to review:

replace /rhev repository to /var/lib/vdsm

rename rhevm bridge to vdsm

Now is required to change engine/backend to accepted 'vdsm' as bridge.

New suggestion from Dan:

/var/run/vdsm may be better since nothing there is expected to be relevant after reboot.



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