On 03/08/2012 02:25 PM, Federico Simoncelli wrote:
----- Original Message -----

Fantastic! This was the key! I finally have libvirtd running :)
I previously tried "service libvirtd reconfigure", which of course
didn't work.

Now "service vdsmd start" also works OK, and the
[root@fedora16 log]# vdsClient 0 getVdsCaps
prints several screens of info
Could you verify that this patch is fixing the problem?


You can cherry-pick the patch with:

$ git fetch http://gerrit.ovirt.org/p/vdsm refs/changes/57/2657/1
$ git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD

Eventually you can read more about gerrit here:


And was getting the same error message as before, and then I did an ls -lR /etc/pki/vdsm/ and saw that the .pem files were old (not regenerated). So, I deleted the old ones and reinstalled the RPMs and now libvirtd seems to be happily working with SSL.
Nice work Federico! :)

[stomic@fedora16 ~]$ sudo vdsClient -s 0 getVdsStats
    anonHugePages = 14
    cpuIdle = 99.50
    cpuLoad = 0.14
    cpuSys = 0.37
    cpuSysVdsmd = 0.00
    cpuUser = 0.12
    cpuUserVdsmd = 0.12
    dateTime = 2012-03-08T15:55:25 GMT
diskStats = {'/var/log': {'free': '10483'}, '/var/log/core': {'free': '10483'}, '/tmp': {'free': '10483'}, '/var/run/vdsm/': {'free': '447'}}
    elapsedTime = 149
    generationID = 4c590e3f-0698-4db6-9676-13748b6f8414
    ksmCpu = 0
    ksmPages = 100
    ksmState = False
    memAvailable = 412
    memCommitted = 0
    memShared = 0
    memUsed = 32
    netConfigDirty = False
network = {'bond4': {'macAddr': '', 'name': 'bond4', 'txDropped': '0', 'rxErrors': '0', 'txRate': '0.0', 'rxRate': '0.0', 'txErrors': '0', 'state': 'down', 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0'}, 'bond0': {'macAddr': '', 'name': 'bond0', 'txDropped': '0', 'rxErrors': '0', 'txRate': '0.0', 'rxRate': '0.0', 'txErrors': '0', 'state': 'down', 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0'}, 'bond1': {'macAddr': '', 'name': 'bond1', 'txDropped': '0', 'rxErrors': '0', 'txRate': '0.0', 'rxRate': '0.0', 'txErrors': '0', 'state': 'down', 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0'}, 'bond2': {'macAddr': '', 'name': 'bond2', 'txDropped': '0', 'rxErrors': '0', 'txRate': '0.0', 'rxRate': '0.0', 'txErrors': '0', 'state': 'down', 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0'}, 'bond3': {'macAddr': '', 'name': 'bond3', 'txDropped': '0', 'rxErrors': '0', 'txRate': '0.0', 'rxRate': '0.0', 'txErrors': '0', 'state': 'down', 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0'}, 'p2p1': {'macAddr': '', 'name': 'p2p1', 'txDropped': '0', 'rxErrors': '0', 'txRate': '0.0', 'rxRate': '0.0', 'txErrors': '0', 'state': 'up', 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0'}, 'p7p1': {'macAddr': '', 'name': 'p7p1', 'txDropped': '0', 'rxErrors': '0', 'txRate': '0.0', 'rxRate': '0.0', 'txErrors': '0', 'state': 'up', 'speed': '1000', 'rxDropped': '0'}}
    rxDropped = 0
    rxRate = 0.00
    statsAge = 0.69
    storageDomains = {}
    swapFree = 2009
    swapTotal = 2015
    thpState = always
    txDropped = 0
    txRate = 0.00
    vmActive = 0
    vmCount = 0
    vmMigrating = 0

best regards,

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