On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 06:57:10AM -0500, Adam Litke wrote:
> On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 03:56:05PM +0800, ShaoHe Feng wrote:
> > a comment exceed 80 characters,  and it is a url link.
> > such as
> > # 
> > http://aaaaaaaaaaaa/bbbbbbbbbbbbbb/cccccccccccc/dddddddddddd/eeeeeeeeeeeeeee/fffffffffffffffffff/
> > 
> > how can I do?
> > is this OK?
> > # "http:/aaaaaaaaaaaa/bbbbbbbbbbbbbb/cccccccccccc/
> > # dddddddddddd/eeeeeeeeeeeeeee/fffffffffffffffffff/"
> > # (the link is too long to fit in one line, copy it and paste it to
> > one line)
> It would be nice if we could annotate the source code to disable certain 
> checks
> in places such as this.  Clearly the rigid line length restriction would 
> result
> in a less readable comment if followed here.

Agreed. PEP-0008 is here to help us. If the script that enforces it is
actually hurts readability in a certain case, we should not use it.

Please fix other PEP-0008 issues in the file, and try to filter out the
url warning. If impossible, the module would not be whitelisted.
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