I am trying to validate GlusterFS domain engine patches, against VDSM. GlusterFS domain is enabled for 3.3 only So when i try to add my VDSM as a new host to engine, it doesn't allow me to do so since clusterLevels (returned by VDSM as part of engine calling getCap) doesn't have 3.3

I hacked VDSM's dsaversion.py to return 3.3 as well as part of getCap and now I am able to add my VDSM host as a new host from engine for DC of type GLUSTERFS_DOMAIN.

Is this the right way to test a 3.3. feature, if yes, should I send a vdsm patch to add 3.3 in dsaversion.py ?
If not, then what is the right process to follow here ?


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