To Jim, Scott and Gene.

Jim Senicka wrote:
> Is the disk group agent running on the systems?
Yes it is:

root 16295     1   0 16:16:01 ?           1:29 
/opt/VRTSvcs/bin/DiskGroup/DiskGroupAgent -type DiskGroup

> Has the cluster been started since you created the service group
> definition?
Yes. I restarted VCS hopping it might somehow change something, but no. 
I am thinking about rebooting one server.
> Are all resources enabled in the service groups?
Yes. I tried to disable them and re-enable them. But I come back to the 
same situation.

Scott3, James wrote:
> Have you made sure the volumes are ENABLED ACTIVE?  Can you send a
> vxprint on the group?  Is it a shared group or a active/passive group?
> Also send a vxdg list. 
Enabled and active, yes. The disk-group is active/passive (to be mounted 
on one host at a time).

bash-3.00# vxprint -l dba_DG
Disk group: dba_DG

Group:    dba_DG
info:     dgid=1224062934.119.<hostname>
version:  140
alignment: 8192 (bytes)
detach-policy: global
dg-fail-policy: dgdisable
copies:   nconfig=default nlog=default
devices:  max=32767 cur=3
minors:   >= 62000

bash-3.00# vxprint -g dba_DG
dg dba_DG       dba_DG       -        -        -        -        -       -

dm dba_DG01     c0t216000C0FF87E774d10s2 - 525417536 -  -        -       -

v  dba_archive  fsgen        ENABLED  20971520 -        ACTIVE   -       -
pl dba_archive-01 dba_archive ENABLED 20971520 -        ACTIVE   -       -
sd dba_DG01-02  dba_archive-01 ENABLED 20971520 0       -        -       -

v  dba_data     fsgen        ENABLED  104857600 -       ACTIVE   -       -
pl dba_data-01  dba_data     ENABLED  104857600 -       ACTIVE   -       -
sd dba_DG01-03  dba_data-01  ENABLED  104857600 0       -        -       -

v  dba_redo     fsgen        ENABLED  20971520 -        ACTIVE   -       -
pl dba_redo-01  dba_redo     ENABLED  20971520 -        ACTIVE   -       -
sd dba_DG01-01  dba_redo-01  ENABLED  20971520 0        -        -       -

bash-3.00# vxdg list
NAME         STATE           ID
xxx_DG      enabled,cds          1224062531.89.<hostname>
xxx_DG      enabled,cds          1224062634.101.<hostname>
xxx_DG  enabled,cds          1224062699.109.<hostname>
dba_DG       enabled,cds          1224062934.119.<hostname>
xxx_DG   enabled,cds          1224062443.81.<hostname>
xxx_DG    enabled,cds          1224062569.93.<hostname>
xxx_DG      enabled,cds          1224062672.105.<hostname>
xxx_DG      enabled,cds          1224062491.85.<hostname>

Gene Henriksen wrote:
> If you have a "?" in the GUI, then it cannot probe the resource on one
> system or the other. It will not import on either until it is probed on
> both. This is to avoid a concurrency violation.
Yes. Fully agree.
> Hold the cursor on the resource and a pop-up box should show the status
> so you can see where it is not probed.
Status is "unkown" on both server A and B.
> This could be due to one system having never seen the DG. Can you run
> vxdisk -o alldgs list and see the DG on both systems?
I can import/deport that disk-group using vxdg without a problem

bash-3.00# vxdisk -o alldgs list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c0t216000C0FF87E774d0s2 auto:none       -            -            online 
c0t216000C0FF87E774d1s2 auto:cdsdisk    xxx_DG01  xxx_DG   online
c0t216000C0FF87E774d2s2 auto:cdsdisk    xxx_DG01    xxx_DG      online
c0t216000C0FF87E774d3s2 auto:cdsdisk    xxx_DG01    xxx_DG      online
c0t216000C0FF87E774d4s2 auto:cdsdisk    xxx_DG01  xxx_DG    online
c0t216000C0FF87E774d5s2 auto:cdsdisk    -            (xxx_DG)    online
c0t216000C0FF87E774d6s2 auto:cdsdisk    xxx_DG01    xxx_DG      online
c0t216000C0FF87E774d7s2 auto:cdsdisk    xxx_DG01    xxx_DG      online
c0t216000C0FF87E774d8s2 auto:cdsdisk    xxx_DG01  xxx_DG  online
c0t216000C0FF87E774d9s2 auto:cdsdisk    -            (xxx_DG)   online
c0t216000C0FF87E774d10s2 auto:cdsdisk    dba_DG01     dba_DG       online
c2t0d0s2     auto:none       -            -            online invalid
c2t2d0s2     auto:none       -            -            online invalid
c2t3d0s2     auto:none       -            -            online invalid

> The other possibility is a typo in the DiskGroup resource attribute.
> Make sure it has no leading spaces, is the correct case (just like
> vxdisk list shows it.
I thought about this and double-checked. Nothing. I recreated the 
resource and paid attention to such possibility, nothing.


Veritas-ha maillist  -

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