More information from the trenches:

This issue was caused as a repercussion by a fix to an old bug in

the old bug:
the new fix:

The bug was that Subversion bluntly killed off any ssh processes it
was done with, while conceptually there should be no reason to do so.

Sadly, the versions of SSH that are included with all recent Mac OS X
releases apparently has a bug that causes the ssh processes to not
properly terminate themselves when they're done with their work.  The
following bug has been filed by people in the Subversion community
with Apple:

Judging from the conversation on the Subversion bug tracker, I get the
impression that the concensus there is that Apple should fix their
problem with SSH on OS X, and that no changes need to be made to
Subversion.  (If anyone who's actively involved in the conversation
reads this, please correct me if I'm getting it wrong).

We are currently considering to compile SVN 1.6.1 with the changes
from the above-mentioned 'fix' reverted and ship a new 1.0.4 beta of
Versions with that custom-built SVN 1.6 plugin.  I don't think that
waiting for Apple to fix ssh in Mac OS X is the best thing we can do
for Versions users.  Firstly, the word 'waiting' is in there, and we
don't know about Apple's schedule.  Secondly: Some Versions users are
still running Tiger; I consider it unlikely that a small fix to SSH
will prompt Apple to release another 10.4.x update right away.

This issue is probably not as big of a deal for command-line SVN 1.6
usage, since normally when an update/commit/whatever is done, the svn
process terminates, taking any sibling ssh processes along for the one-
way ride.  Any other SVN apps on Mac OS X that don't wrap the command-
line tools but use the SVN libraries directly, will probably run into
the same issue.

I'll let you all know as soon as we have things figured out more.

Thanks :)
- Dirk

On Apr 29, 11:44 am, Dirk Stoop <> wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> You are indeed experiencing the very same problem.
> This issue with SVN 1.6 also came up on the Cocoa mailing list when
> people over there started asking whether Xcode SVN integration could
> be used with 
> 1.6:
> For the same reason that we haven't shipped 1.6 support in a regular
> update yet, Apple apparently has stated they don't recommend using SVN
> 1.6 with Xcode.
> Right now, Subversion 1.6.1 is provided in Versions 1.0.4b as an
> immediate solution for people who for whatever reason *need* to use
> 1.6, but we don't recommend switching to yet if it's possible to hold
> off a little longer.
> Strangely enough we cannot reproduce the problem on every computer
> here, so for some people using 1.6 with svn+ssh connections might
> actually work normally.
> I'm sorry for the hassle these problems have caused you.
> Hopefully we, or someone else, will find a solution to the problem
> soon.
> Cheers,
> - Dirk
> On Apr 28, 11:05 pm, "Gary L. Gray" <> wrote:
> > On Apr 28, 2009, at 4:56 PM, Dirk Stoop wrote:
> > > Hi Anton,
> > > If you're accessing your repository over svn+ssh, this could possibly
> > > be related to the problems with SVN 1.6 on Mac OS X with zombie ssh
> > > processes.  If quitting and relaunching Versions fixes the remote
> > > changes counter, that could actually be the cause.
> > > Refreshing the change counters of svn+ssh working copies using SVN
> > > 1.6.1 can leave zombie processes behind.  When those keep adding up,
> > > at some point your machine won't be able spawn *any* more new
> > > processes until you quit Versions, which will also prevents any new
> > > refreshes on svn+ssh working copies from taking place.  If this is
> > > actually what's going on here, launching any other process before you
> > > quit Versions (which also takes out all of the stray ssh processes)
> > > will probably also not do anything.
> > > If the quit/relaunch thing doesn't take care of the 27 changes, could
> > > you maybe take a look whether you get the same results when you use
> > > Versions 1.0.4b with SVN 1.5.6?
> > Dirk,
> > Last night I started getting errors similar to the following every  
> > time I tried to launch an app:
> > <application name> cannot be launched
> > with an error -10810. Logging out and then back in fixed the problem.  
> > A colleague who is also a Versions user started seeing the same error  
> > last night. I didn't make the connection until seeing this email, but  
> > Versions 1.0.4 beta was running when this happened to both of us. Are  
> > we seeing this because of what you state above regarding my machine  
> > not being able to spawn any new processes with Versions and svn 1.6.1?  
> > We are both using svn+ssh to access our repositories.
> > Thank you.
> > Regards,
> > Gary L. Gray
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