Correct.  :)  I am talking about a mass UPDATE.  Not commit.  You're
right, mass commits would be silly.  But I am essentially using this
as what you said, a "quasi-backup" system, but from the other way

We use Springloops for all of our repositories, but I don't 100% trust
everything they have.  I always like to keep a local backup of
repositories in our office on our local file servers.  So we have a
read-only SVN user that we use purely for checking out, and I check
these out into our appropriate backup directories on our file
servers.  It'd be nice to just run a mass `svn up` on all
repositories. :)

On Dec 21, 4:13 pm, Kevin Powick <> wrote:
> Oops!  My apologies.
> After re-reading your post, I believe you are talking about updating
> your working copies, not making commits to the remote repos.  Though
> you do say "Update" in your post, I ended up confused by reading
> "repository" elsewhere.
> Mass update (working copies), might not be a bad idea.  Mass commit
> (repos) wouldn't be a good one. ;-)
> Regards,
> --
> Kevin Powick


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