> You addressed the offer's timing issue, but you did note, I'm sure, my 
> comments...

Why so militant? You came in specifically to have a poke at a piece of
software that you have never used. You then returned when the polite
responder did not rise to the bait and tried once again to elicit a
reaction to your pointless negativity.

> I can sense that you devoted Versions people are miffed by my light dissing 
> of Versions

I am no Versions evangelist, but I do find your attitude provocative.

> Speaking of my time budget, it would make sense for me to opt out of the 
> Versions list

Or just stop trolling forums annoying people who are trying to get the
most out of an excellent if slightly immature product. You claim to be
a CS of 50+ years yet you seem to have little or nothing positive to
add to the efforts of this particular community. I hope you are more
supportive of your students.

I almost never get involved in these sort of situations, but I used to
work in academia and I recognise in this guy exactly the kind of
bitter opposition to progress that made me move back out into the
commercial sector. Just because you are afraid of being left behind
doesn't mean you have the right to try to discourage others from
picking up any tech that is less than a decade old.

My apologies to everyone else.
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