On 10/28/2011 7:14 AM, George wrote:
Then I discovered Veusz and basically realized
that this is what I was envisioning when I
started working on my GUI. The only issue which
I am having with it is that I cannot get the
text (for example axes labels) to have true
Latex look. I chose cmr10 font (which I assume
means Computer Modern Roman, which is what
Latex uses by default, However if I type \mu
as a axis label, that \mu does not appear to
be the same as in Latex. So I'm wondering
whether I am doing something wrong, or whether
the text rendering in Veusz is not really done
by Latex, although the syntax is Latex-like?
Is there currently any way to make the text in
a Veusz plot to look exactly the same as the
text in a Latex document?

Hi George,
  It's as you've guessed: Veusz does not actually use LaTeX for
typesetting, it only emulates the syntax. All of the text layout
is done internally, and Qt provides the font rendering. If you want
a true exact match for LaTeX text rendering, Veusz is not currently
the tool for you. Veusz is more like Matlab with Interpreter='tex' than with Interpreter='latex'.

-- BKS

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