On 10/13/2012 07:14 PM, Dr. Volker Jaenisch wrote:
Dear Jeremy!

On 13/10/12 17:56, Dr. Volker Jaenisch wrote:
My first guess would be to seperate the base-classes ImportParamsBase, 
ImportDialogBase etc. from the concrete ones.
The Classes needed for the import, and representation of a certain Fileformat 
then should be more located. E.G. there may be a folder
fileformats with a file for each fileformat, containing
the 'incredients' of the fileformat.
Added a minimal sort of registry for the fileformats and we will end up with 
sort of a plugin system for the fileformats.
You have separated the UI-Components from the data components. That is a good 
So a fileformat plugin should not be a simple file but at least 4 files in a 
folder structure like this.
- HDF5
     - importdialog.py <- code for import
     - importdiaolg.ui  <- ui resource
     - operations.py    <- one or more operations oh the fileformat
     - linkedfile.py       <- handling of linkedfiles

What is your opinion?

Seems a good layout.


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