Who’s this Art everyone keeps talking about?

I always wanted to be entrawalled, but never knew who to talk to about it. I
was extrawalled once, but that’s a story for a different list.




From: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com [mailto:vfb-m...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of jim phillips
Sent: Sunday, June 07, 2009 10:18 AM
To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com
Subject: FW: [VFB] Re: Artistic Fly Swap Clarification




From: markflie...@hotmail.com
To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com; desert-tr...@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: [VFB] Re: Artistic Fly Swap Clarification
Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 08:15:37 -0600

Point well taken Jimmy..........."it's all in the eye of the beholder."
............so-to-speak............my very simple point is that there's a
place in this world for flies that don't nessessarily have anything to do
with fishing, and that they have an equal ability to teach, entrawall,
excite, challange, Piss0ff, and or install any other highly motivating
emotional value to a person or people. That is, equal to any other form of
art. Artistic flies can (as "some" fishin' flies can), tell a story, just as
a painting can, or a dance can, or a movie can, or a book can. It's up to
the viewer to give of his or herself and invest in the subject matter, if
they want to reep the rewards of such effort. The tyer and the viewer both
have to make an equal effort. As with any artform.
<http://gfx2.hotmail.com/mail/w3/ltr/emoticons/smile_wink.gif>  mark.....


Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 08:51:56 -0500
From: ray...@earthlink.net
To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: FW: [VFB] Re: Artistic Fly Swap Clarification

Well now there, then.  The list isn't dead after all.  All we needed was a
good controversy going.  I planted the seed, and Boy did it grow ! :-P  Not
trying to offend anyone, nor make anyone mad, just a few Tid Bits to kick
start the list. Like Mark said, "Art is something you KNOW when you see it."
Each of us can decide what is art to us.  My point was that ART comes in
many forms and genre.

Have a Good Un.


P.S. My apologies for my sporadic posts of the Quote For The Day.  Had a lot
on my plate lately.

jim phillips wrote:

For Mark 


From: markflie...@hotmail.com
To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com; desert-tr...@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: [VFB] Re: Artistic Fly Swap Clarification
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 21:08:40 -0600

for the list...........
Jimmy, NEVER, EVER speak for me..........you have no idea what your doing.
And obviously you do not keep track of current emails. I have recently told
Don that i absolutely DO consider his work ART. Guess you missed that. You
obviously also missed where i have VERY recently clarified Jim Phillips
mistakes in my original clarification, (he had inserted some words of his
own, including that bit bout "using exotic materials, fancy beads, and silk
thread".....HIS words, NOT mine), so keep up to date if your gonna
challange, or cause controversey. Bottom line, ART is something you "Know"
when you see it. Just ask Stevie Wonder.
<http://gfx2.hotmail.com/mail/w3/ltr/emoticons/smile_wink.gif>  mark.....


Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 21:10:32 -0500
From: ray...@earthlink.net
To: vfb-mail@googlegroups.com
Subject: [VFB] Re: Artistic Fly Swap Clarification

Who's to say what's art/artistic and what's not.  Even though Mark doesn't
feel that way, Dono's monster/Super sized flies are definitely ART in my
book.  I don't feel that using exotic materials, fancy beads and silk thread
make a fly a work of art. What is art ? what qualifies as art.   To muddy
the ART water somewhat, I offer the following that I gleaned from Google.
"The definition of art is controversial in contemporary philosophy. Whether
art can be defined has also been a matter of controversy. The philosophical
usefulness of a definition of art has also been debated.  Contemporary
definitions are of two main sorts. One distinctively modern,
conventionalist, sort of definition focuses on art's institutional features,
emphasizing the way art changes over time, modern works that appear to break
radically with all traditional art, and the relational properties of
artworks that depend on works' relations to art history, art genres, etc.
The less conventionalist sort of contemporary definition makes use of a
broader, more traditional concept of aesthetic properties that includes more
than art-relational ones, and focuses on art's pan-cultural and
trans-historical characteristics. From the Standard Encyclopedia of

“It is not at all clear that these words – ‘What is art?’ – express anything
like a single question, to which competing answers are given, or whether
philosophers proposing answers are even engaged in the same debate…. The
sheer variety of proposed definitions should give us pause. One cannot help
wondering whether there is any sense in which they are attempts to … clarify
the same cultural practices, or address the same issue.”
>From the Standard Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

In other words, what I classify as art, when compared to what you classify
as art can be totally different, while both can still be classified as ART !

We had a thread about this some years back with several VFB members joining
the discussion.  Is fly tying an art or simply a craft. Below are some of
the comments.

Re: [VFB] new <http://www.mail-archive.com/v...@troutnet.com/msg06706.html>
super realistic fly

2002/04/07 I would urge all fly tyers to take a look at what can be
achieved. Vlad has demonstrated that fly tying (as shown on his mosquito web
page) can transcend craft and achieve the status of fine art. Thank you Vlad
for sharing your art with us. Ed At 01:50 PM 4/6/02, you wrote: Hi -- Ed
Engelman/Sue Atkinson

RE: [VFB] new <http://www.mail-archive.com/v...@troutnet.com/msg06713.html>
super realistic fly

2002/04/07 Dear Listers I want to say thanks for your kind words and
interest to this my fly. Super realistic flies have no the practical purpose
like almost all kinds of fine art, they only can give few minutes of
pleasure looking at them (or many week while tying them) and I very proud
that you like -- Vlad
<http://www.mail-archive.com/search.py?l=...@troutnet.com&q=from:>  Markov

Have A Good Day.


Jim Phillips wrote:


From: markflie...@hotmail.com
To: desert-tr...@hotmail.com
Subject: for the list.....
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 23:26:01 -0600

Guys, just so we're clear..........the "NO recipes Fly Swap" is NOT
something that is about flies for fishing............i got one reply already
from someone who seems to think that flies, "that work for me" is what i'm
looking for.......usually that is what we swap...........but this time that
is NOT what i'm looking for. This swap is STRICKTLY for "Artistic" flies
that would be tyed for the wall as ART. Flies "should" be tyed on rather
large blind eye hooks using gut eyes. Materials are exotic feathers, fancy
beads and usually silk thread.  I know that many of my fellow tyers are able
to tie "mountable" fishing flys but these super flys are not what is called
Artistic (although they are beautiful).  Please check my website for hints
and also the web for artistic flys for some more ideas.  Remember - only six
tyers - first come first in.
Thankx! mark



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**************** ><((((((((º> ************** JIMMY D. MOORE
jdmo...@fishgame.com North Zone Fishing Editor - Texas Fish & Game Mag,
Author - Moon Holler Misfits Fishing & Hunting Club, Humorist, Past VP
Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited, Member TOWA, Retired Scout Exec. BSA.
Website - http://bigtroutman.tripod.com/index.html *****************
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