Patrick knows how to "take it like a man" when it comes to tellin' it like it 
is..........Pete, your a sweet person. i'd have to say "DITTO" on all you say 
here...........other than i will use the word crappy...............hey, call a 
spade a spade. Figuretively speaking of course...........


BTW folks..............there are some INCREDABLE buys on ebay right 
now.........i just got 5 pairs of perfectly matched PRIMO Satyr Tragopan 
feathers for a steal. There's one lot of 500 Peacock sticks goin' for $129.95 
as a "Buy It Now." .......another steal. i'd get it, but i got that much's Guinea quills, Turkey quills, MaCaw 
tail feathers.....all kinna stuff. GO!



Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 21:16:44 -0400
Subject: [VFB] Re: ok update on the ronn lucas sr lessons

I wouldn't say 'crappy' hooks... well, ok, maybe I would - but I won't... ;)  
Just that some hooks are better proportioned than others.  Unfortunately, 
that's sometimes done because of the hook strength - some types/styles of 
hooks, if you have the proportions of the hook perfect, the holding power 
stinks and it bends like a Slinky!  
I'm thinking I may double your efforts - Patrick, sorry in advance for your 
mailbox being stuffed full of "goodies" when I send my swap flies to ya'...   
Also, sorry if any of my comments came out like an insult or rude or stuck-up 
or holier-than-thou critique... goodness knows I'm not perfect, or even close! 

Most important rule and advice I can ever give you: 
Like what you tie and tie what you like!

Have fun with it, or else it becomes a chore.  Keep those flies coming, I 
really do like them!
Tight wraps,

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 9:04 PM, Mark Romero <> wrote:

one more i said before on the GP crest's all extremely relative........specially in terms of 
when your using crap hooks as Patrick is.........he has no choice at the moment 
but to tye on whatever he has on hand for hooks. and crappy hooks have crappy 
proportions in terms of being adaptable to various styles (in the Salmon fly 
world) of tying. so he's behind the 8-ball from the jump. i sent him some 
"better" hooks today............he'll be groovin' soon. 


Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 20:41:47 -0400
Subject: [VFB] Re: ok update on the ronn lucas sr lessons

On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 5:41 PM, <> wrote:
>let me know what you all think so say what you would like and be totally 
>honest pls

Be totally honest? We're fishermen, come on, that's difficult.  But let me tell 
you about that hundred-trout day, all caught on a single size 34 hook ...;)

If you are serious and want serious advice, let me start by saying I like the 
fly exactly as it is - and for the 'fish- catching' abilities, I'd be surprised 
if a fish turned up its nose (do trout have noses?) at this fly!  If you're 
looking for advice for the 'classic proportions', I'll give that to follow, but 
only with the disclaimer that I don't know who came up with these "rules" and 
that they take the innovation and, essentially, the fun out of the whole 
thing... enough beating round the bush... the body is just the slightest 
smidgen of a bit too far rearward.  You want the tag to stop above the tip of 
the point of the hook of the fly... don't confuse the point with the barb, as I 
did for the longest time.  The peacock tail is (again, if you're seeking 
'classic' convention) to start above the space right prior to the hook point 
(where the floss meets up with the tag) and extend a length of 2/3rds the 
length of the shank (so two thirds of the distance from where the hook eye 
meets the shank to the point above the point) That's if you're tying for 
'classic proportions' and not 'hey, it looks nice, and it'll catch fish'.  The 
floss work is great - spot on!  in theory the rib should have 5 turns from tag 
to (under the thorax) the wing seating... not sure I buy it, but it is an 
arbitrary target that keeps me from over-ribbing when I tie, so I thought I'd 
pass that on.  Someone once told me at a show that the width (height?) of the 
tail should match the hook gap, and that the thorax (the peacock just behind 
the wing) should be that thick as well.  I'm not sure I buy that whole 
statement, or that it is 'classic' proportion, but it really got me tying 
fuller thoraxes of good proportions, to shoot for such a thick thorax and fall 
short, only to equal the thickness of what I wanted.  Sounds silly, but I 
seriously took a good half a year of so, when I first started, before realizing 
that you can use more than one piece of herl to tie a thorax... I know, not the 
brightest bulb in the lighting section... The wing is a little full for MY 
tastes, but it is angled at a decent angle... maybe a TAD less incline, but 
that's also a personal tastes thing.  Yeah, I'll unfortunately agree with Mark, 
and again I emphasize that if you are tying for fun or fishing, this is all 
hogwash anyhow - but if you want to tie to "classic" proportions, you want to 
start the thorax 3 hook-eye-widths (if you look at the hook eye and measure 
only the horizontal width - with the eye diagonal like in your photo - and then 
copy that 3 times, starting at where the shank meets the eye and moving towards 
the tail), that;s where the thorax should start - it feels too soon when tying, 
for me it's because I like the look and feel of tying a grandiose body, but 
it's just about right.  So start the thorax about 3 hook eyes back, wrap two of 
those three with thorax, give or take.  Mount the wing and hackle, wrap, tie 
off, etc, and then finish the head with as few wraps as possible - a trick I 
learned is that you use 3 wraps for the wing - that's it - and 2 for the hackle 
- that's it.  Then when you go to tie the head, you're essentially adding the 
wraps that you wanted to add to secure the wing and hackle in the first place.  
All of this to say, yeah, the head is kinda crowded.  I've said it before - is 
it "wrong"? not a chance.  But if you are seeking "classic" proportions, yeah, 
it is a bit crowded.  All in all, a really great tie!  Personally, I tie 
realistics (some call it "sculpting" and not "tying", so I'll throw that 
disclaimer out there), so can be over-the-top when it comes to proportions... 
but in the same breath I say that I also tie flies to fish with - for those, 
proportions be darned!  If it catches fish, who cares?  We can all offer tips 
and suggestions, but in the end, it is ultimately your opinion of it (or a 
fish's, if you choose to wet the fly) that truly matters.
Just my 2 cents worth,

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