around the 2/8/05 Annie mentioned about [videoblogging] Re: Freeplay
Music: Warning that:
>Anyway! Yes, be mindful of where you get your music.
>I still use major artists' music though, but I promote the purchase of
>their music with iTunes links to the songs I use. I just hope the RIAA
>doesn't come crashing down on me. :(

they will. one day. or they'll be sensible and intro. a licencing scheme.

1. as Raymond says. We are now the media.

2. So make media or

3. reuse media in legal ways.


3. videoblogging will look to same major legal problems as p2p.

it is illegal and breach of copyright in most jurisdictions to reuse
music without holders permission. This is particularly the case if
you republish this (which is what a blog is). Just because today only
100 people see it, is irrelevant. Get featured on some web site front
page, get some industry exec to notice, and you *will* get a letter.
Best case scenario you will be invited to remove content. Worse is
they will send you a letter of demand and will pursue it. Film
production is full of such stories.

The best response is to create an alternative copyright regime (eg
creative commons) and provide content for that. Make *that* bigger
and better than the cartels.
Adrian Miles



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