couple of more thought to add to the conversation
Ryanne said it in another thread and I'm planning on saying it in the 
video conference - Node101 can be done with no money - we've been 
doing it with no money - using our own equipment and donated spaces.
The whole network idea is to let nodes develop where and how they 
want - to reflect the needs/desires of the local community.  The last 
thing I want to do is manage a world-wide organization!  I'd just 
love to help people get them off the ground - teach the teachers kind 
of thing. That's what I love doing.

The hard part is, it takes people's time to be available and teach - 
that's why I started Freevlog - to help me teach more people than I 
had time to do in person.  I'd really love to get money to start what 
I call seed nodes (mainly to pay people to teach)  as an example so 
others can point to it and say, "we want one of those in our community."

I've run a "general" Media Arts center - we did web, film, graphic 
design, animations, etc, etc.  That's very hard to do well.  You 
either need lots of people to teach or you need someone crazy enough 
to take it all on - Jen and I did this, btw.  The thing that I like 
about videoblogging (and podcasting) is that it's a nice framework 
around which you can build what you want.  Also it's just plain cool 
and can be done with pretty cheap tools (if you bough a used computer 
you could build yourself a world wide media studio for under $500).


On Aug 23, 2005, at 5:26 PM, Michael Sullivan wrote:

> Which is better?  Node101 would like to have their own space... and 
> I understand why... but its riskier.  You need to have a lot of 
> money to maintain and sustain each space.... and it may not be too 
> enticing to potential patrons if its vlog centric and not catering 
> to other general niches.
> Media Arts Centers are setup for general needs of digital artists.  
> I think it is important to ask what is really needed verses the 
> dream setup (vlog stations) and to use any contributions wisely... 
> use logic,  which may not nec yield the coolest result.
> One of my issues with Current.TV was that they spent hundreds of 
> millions to have their own network, when I feel that they could 
> have used the model and been successful as a channel.  I think that 
> same perception might be applied to Node101.  But I tend to waffle 
> on this a bit, since I had the dream of 'Artist Joints' and it was 
> fucking very cool ;-)


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