On 10/26/05, jonny goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I also think RB's connection to internet and geek culture in the way it cuts to clips from the
web, or things that have to do with net culture differentiate it from shows that existed
before the web.

i don;t think this is a valid difference in terms of content.. it is referencing the medium it exists in. There have been (too) many television shows that cut to clips of other tv shows, so an online show that references other online shows is only natural..
and andrew, yes you have possibilities.. but i was ONLY talking about the style of the show, not what it represents.. it was not a criticism, i was just pointing out that is unfair to say that other online news (i use that term VERY loosly ;) ) shows shouldn't be accussed of ripping off rocketboom just because they are irreverant and/or have a single female presenter. It's like saying Bill Hicks rips off Richard Pryor because they both stood alone on stage telling jokes.

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