On 12/20/05, ms.kitka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But, seriously, what's the point?  I can't imagine many people
subscribing since it's just a preview... all it is is junk
advertising.  I'm just hoping that they will realize that it is not
worth their time and stop spamming vlog directories with their
annoying marketing strategies.

There are ways to do it "right" though.  Suicidegirls does a video podcast that isn't just a preview.  It's actual content.  Even if it is just a preview, I don't see a problem with sending that preview out as an enclosure so people who are interested can subscribe and see what new full-length videos are coming up. 

I haven't seen anyone spamming vlog directories either.  Where did you see that?  I'd be curious to see which companies are doing it.

Adam Quirk


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