Why pack them all together into a 15 min. video?
Why not let them each exist as separate videos that can be downloaded quicker and easier? You may as well simply link to the originals too in order to credit the creators.


On 1/16/06, Adam Quirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's a 15 minute video, every business day, with a variety of short segments.
Some of it is created specifically for The PAN, some of it is found material, usually found on static sites without blogs.
It's a pretty long video for web-viewing, and wasn't intended to be such.  We decided to include a download link on the page though so people (like you) could try before they buy (or get for free).  It isn't designed to be a video blog, although it turned out looking a lot like one.
It's for video gadgets and so such and so forth.
We heard they needed some content.

On 1/16/06, Andreas Haugstrup < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 08:55:57 +0100, MICA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * * <http://thepan.org/home.html>

Since the site is void of any explanatory details and the daily video 
download is 77MB (thus requiring a 12 minute wait for yours truly) I must 
ask: What *is* the pan? A videoblog with Really Big Files (tm)? Content 
created by contributors or content found by contributors?

- Andreas
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