Every vlogger is more popular than 90% of businesses and regular users hosting websites.  Even the most image intensive website would really have to be visited a lot of times to equal the average video size.  Most of my videos were at least 15 megabytes, which a lot of websites don't use in a week of views.  That's just one video view!

1-3 TB would be ok for sharing among a group of vloggers, although I'm not exactly sure of the math either, as to how many users you could fit on that.  Lets say you leased a server, to the tune of a minimum of $99 a month, for which most places gives you less than 2 TB.   Saying every video was 15 MB, and every video was viewed about 100 times on average, and every vloggers published 7 videos a month, you could fit maybe 200 vloggers on there. You can get 10 dreamhost managed accounts for that amount for 10 TB, which you could share among 1000 vloggers.  The math doesn't add up for dedicated servers.  It's easier to let the hosting companies aggregate it, because they have the volume to stick low bandwidth users on the same servers with high bandwidth users.  Putting a group of vloggers together just isn't smart when there are so many low-bandwidth users out there.

However, you could in theory with those numbers aggregate 1000 vloggers for $1000/mo.  However, aggregating those means someone needs to manage those 10 dreamhost accounts and manage all the users, transfers, space etc (or a dedicated server depending on which route you've chosen).  This person needs to collect the money to pay that $1000 a month, for a 1000 users, $1/mo, or find some other way of paying for it.  Philanthropically, it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just doesn't make much sense to me, that someone would want to donate that much time.  There's a profit potential there though.

Throttling is very expensive in terms of administrative time.  You would either have to pay for some software to do that for you or write your own, which is time consuming and expensive, far more opportunity cost than just buying a bunch of DreamHost accounts.

I keep coming back to collecting the money in my head too.  Have you ever rented an apartment from a bunch of friends?  Remember how much it sucked because one of your buddies couldn't come up with the rent like every other month and everybody else had to chip in to keep from getting evicted?  Renting a server amongst a bunch of a people to me seems like it would work out the same way.

To me, the only reason to lease your own server instead of paying for managed hosting is because you need to run software on there that you can't run on a managed server (something that doesn't fit into the LAMP acronym), otherwise, it's cheaper, easier and less headache to pay someone else to manage it for you.  Lastly, even though you could cut costs by sharing the bandwidth among hosting accounts, I just can't see it working on a large scale.


On 2/18/06, Michael Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

mathmatically, this depends, right?. first, you are assuming every vlogger would be popular to the point of usining up much of the 1-3TB.  in actuality, most vloggers of a small consortium would prob not use up this allotment.  i'm talking under 30 vloggers.  i dont have #s to back this up... but on average, i think 1-3 TB would be ok. am i wrong? 
when hosting companies advertise these large numbers.... they do so because they know that most to all will never need or reach even 10% that amount per month.  its called marketing.  ok, we are talking video serving so this is obviously a group of higher bandwidth users than typical people wanting to host pages and pictures.... but still..... i am not convinved by what you say.  i understand some of what you are *trying* to say, but you seem to be very close-minded when maybe their is some logic here.

and what about throttling the pipe?  and what about a managed dedicated server at a hosting facility basically providing same type of service and quuality and backbone as a shared host....

i know... getting paid shared hosting is a fine option.  what i am not totally seeing is how a small group of people getting dedicated server is as bad as you say.  willing to be enlightened though... as others here are too.  so, can you cut through it and dispell how it breaks down.. sort of like adam did?   and leave out the clint wit.


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