On 3/12/06, Paul Knight <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well, if was to go back on myself I wouldn't be helping this thread at all, now would I, are you node 101 guys afraid of answering the questions?  As far as I was concerned I only got one reply from one part of node 101, a group without leaders, right?

paul... judging by the gmail clock your questions have only been up there for about 4 hours! it's pretty cool for jay to get back so quickly to such a complicated set of questions.. i'm sure that the others out there who are involved with node101 will get back.. but it's sunday and there are better things to do sometimes than sit at a computer! ( and yes..i can justify myself here.. i've been out in the snow ! ;)  )

So why should a group without leaders appoint a spokesperson to answer for the many? 

i don't think anyone appointed jay.. he was just the first to reply
Please don't be afraid of these questions, just answer them as concisely as you see fit.  I am not saying that the answers that Jay gave are wrong, they just seem to be glossed over slightly.  There is no shame in admitting the truth, is there?

paul.. you NEED to specify what you felt was glossed over, otherwise no-one will know what to elaborate on! i mean.. what do you think people are hiding? (apart from that large rocket launch pad being built under node101 San Antonio, ready to fire up satellites broadcasting verdi vlogs only.. shit .. sorry michael, didn't mean to let that one slip out)

be well
be patient!


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