Hello Vloggers,
I'm curious about how much times folks spend editing and what programs they use? Also how often do you vlog, as that impacts time available to edit?
I'm using Adobe Premiere and my editing skills are extremely undeveloped (dare I say, they suck!). Anyway, I would love for folks to reply to this post by linking directly to a video or two and telling how long it took them to film and edit each video, and what editing software they are using. And, how often they vlog.  I'm trying to get an idea of what I should be shooting for. 
The Adobe Premiere help files are pretty good, but I'm still missing alot of the power of the program. Do you know of any good online/interactive tutorials?
I have three vlogs and I'm trying to decide how to approach them:
1. VlogDiva - I would like to post weekly there. My favorite entry is 'Characteristics of Bad Website Design', but believe it or not it took me a long time to edit that video. So I'm starting to think that I'm just going to read from a prompter. I spend so much time writing the script that I dont want to have to spend a bunch of time memorizing and editing to.
2. VlogChallenge - That one is easy because all I'm going to do is film myself announcing a challenge. But if I can get enough participants each week I would also like to make a remix of all entries for a given challenge. 
3. ShopSWFL - This regional community site has a ton of back end functionality, but no content and is basically a shell right now. But once I launch in a few weeks I would like to start doing a daily vlog where I film  people and places in and around SWFL for two to four minutes.  I'm curious to see if anyone else is doing this - I would like to see how they are doing it, what the quality is, etc. 
http://wwww.vlogchallenge.com - This Week's Challenge: Danger
http://www.vlogdiva.com - This Weeks Video: Networking Tips

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