Jarrod at veoh has been in touch with me and I've mentioned how simple it is to adhere to most of these concerns by simply adding a permalink to the site and to the individual clips.

I used the aggregators that do get it as examples of how very simple it is to do this.  The info is in the feed...they are purposely not mining that information and not using it on their site.

On 4/7/06, Peter Van Dijck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bullshit: they are clearly, blatantly violating licenses by
re-encoding and not linking back.

All they need to do is attribute, and it'll be mostly ok. Saying:
"contact us and we'll stop violating your license" isn't enough.


On 4/7/06, Halcyon Lujah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have talked to Dmitry Shapiro, the CEO and he seemed VERY willing to
> do what it takes to please broadcasters. They are  working on some
> sort of "claim your feed" campaign as well.
> If you don't want to claim your feed, and don't want your content
> available to Veoh users, email them.  I would be very suprised if they
> didn't remove your feed immediately.
> -Halcyon
> On 4/7/06, Stephanie Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Veoh has my whole feed in their service. They have ripped my videos to
> > their formats and are re-distributing them, using their own
> > permalinks.
> >
> > From their own TOS:
> > " As explained above, Veoh does not permit copyright infringing
> > activities on the Veoh Service and reserves the right to terminate
> > access to the Veoh Service, and remove all User Materials posted, by
> > any persons who are found to be repeat infringers (i.e., persons found
> > to have uploaded copyright infringing User Material on more than two
> > occasions)."
> >
> > Here's the email I sent them:
> > Dear Veoh,
> >
> > You are infringing on my license terms for Hold My Beer and Watch
> > This! (http://mortaine.blogspot.com).
> >
> > I have a creative commons license on my videoblog. My license terms
> > are derivs-ok, non-commercial, and must-attribute. This means that if
> > you make a derivative work by ripping my videos to your format for
> > re-distribution, it must be for non-commercial purposes. From what I
> > can see, Veoh is a commercial entity. If this is not the case, please
> > send me your 501c status documentation.
> >
> > However, you are still violating the "must-attribute" portion of my
> > videoblog's license, and that is not acceptable. You are displaying my
> > work on your website without attribution to the creator. Please create
> > a clear, unambiguous link-back to my website. Personally, I would
> > prefer it if you made the permalink space on your site as a permalink
> > to the vlog entries on my blog site. It's not as if you don't have
> > that data available, and doesn't seem like it would be too technically
> > difficult.
> >
> > Failure to comply with my CC license means that you are infringing on
> > my copyright, something that is specifically prohibited in the Veoh
> > Terms of Service.
> >
> > Please let me know how you are rectifying this situation.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Stephanie Bryant
> >
> >
> > --
> > Stephanie Bryant
> > Blogs, vlogs, and audioblogs at:
> > http://www.mortaine.com/blogs
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> www.SpreadingThePink.com
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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