On 5/9/06, Joshua Kinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Make no mistake about it -- there is great information that
passes through here, from new ideas and new trends, technical
innovation, and best practices for media makers and videobloggers
exploring new possibilities.

But, again thats not the issue.  And I'm not making any such mistake, myself ... as I said earlier:

"This is clearly a great group, and has great information for those just starting.  No body is saying otherwise.  The simple question was essentially 'is there a better way for this group to present that information to make it more accessible "for those people who cant follow the topic well enough yet to be like you and join a dozen different groups to find the information."

If the answer is No, its no.  If the answer is Yes its yes.  But saying "this list has great ideas in it already" doesnt address the issue.  The question wasnt "how can we get better information out there" it was "how can we get information out there better". 

Anyway ... this topic is so all over the map now, I doubt this thread can really discuss it fairly ... no matter we'll do the same run around again in six months. :-P

- Dave

feed:  http://www.DavidMeade.com/feed

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