Here are my thoughts...

The reality is there is money to be made in aggregating and presenting
content. In other words it's a commercial use of people's content.
Maybe a site doesn't have ads or even charges money for content but if
they get lots of viewers because "they have" lots of content then, as
we've seen with YouTube, they can be valuable. That's value built on
the backs of others.

Now I think if you opt-in to something that isn't displaying your
license or linking to your permalink or is putting ads around your
stuff than you've obviously agreed to that. No problem there.

On the other hand, if like in the case of Network2, you have to
opt-out then that's not cool at all. Some of my content is up there
and I've never been asked about it. I have no agreement with them
though they are, in my opinion, commercially using my content. Even if
you could somehow argue that it wasn't a commercial use, they still
aren't displaying the terms of my license.

I also noticed while looking around that has added ads to
the page since I last checked. Not cool guys. There weren't any ads
when I opted in.

So what do I want from a directory?
- I want it to be opt-in
- I want prominent link to my site
- I want a link to the post's permalink
- I want a link to my feed (not the directory's feed of my stuff)
- I want my work's license displayed
I think this is the minimum required.


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