Hey Rupert, 

I dig your sentiment about YouTube, but if you're looking for a quality 
community of video 
makers (other than Blip.tv, of course), you might want to check out Vimeo... 
I'm stunned by 
the amazing community of people there.  Really.  Comments, views.  The lot. 

I think all of this discussion raises a bigger question, though:

How to you get views on a video when you upload it to multiple sites, but can 
only embed 
one version on your blog to get the proverbial ball rolling?  

In order to get YouTube views, you really need to work hard to connect to 
people there.  
But then you end up having to promote the version of your video you uploaded 
instead of the better looking and better functioning Blip.tv or Vimeo version.  
It's a catch-
22, n'est-ce pas?



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