If you want the group to be alive, you have to contribute. Are you
only recently disgusted by the group, or were you disgusted for other
reasons in the past that mean you've hardly ever said anything here?

Dont ask me why so many topics here do not turn into a conversation.
For sure some of the conversations that do happen are about VC and
other business issues, but some of the longest conversations seem to
be about tearing a new orifice for comapnies that have wasted VC money.

Theres lots of people here who used to post a lot more in the past,
but are largely inactive, that I really miss. Id love to hear a lot
more opinions and have more conversations about everything. I talk too
much here, I was hoping that balance would be restored by more people
having more, and longer, conversations about stuff. But gnerally it
dont seem to be happening, Id gladly put hundreds of hours and a
little money into a solution if there was one that anybody could agree
on. Is there anywhere else on the net that people are having lots of
conversations about vlogging? All the people that dont tlk so much
anymore, are they having the conversations elsewhere in the net, or in
the physical world, or privately with their on or offline friends, or
at conferences?

Thats not to diminish all the fine flow of information, and
conversations, that do happen here, and those that contribute, however
short or infrequently. Oh well Im sure there are dozens of reasons why
people go away, tis a shame, especially for a sad git like me who
doesnt have freinds in the real world who want to talk about any of
this stuff, and who isolates myself by putting opinion before human

Still its your right to be disgusted, I wont propose that a permit is
required to display such emotions ;)

Anyway regarding the speific issue at hand, I didnt join inbecause Im
not in the states and so I thought maybe I shouldnt be interfering in
issues that a particular local government are making, that wont affect
me. I feel strongly that I should show solidarity and it is an
important issue. Laws and the application of power are one of the
biggest theoretical threats to videoblogging freedom for humanity in

But I do like detail, and not hyping the threat, and so I think its
worth saying that as far as Ive read, this law will not affect all
videobloggers who may want to do their thang in NYC in future.
Specifically I read that the proposal applies to the following:

"an interaction among two or more people at a single site for 30 or
more minutes."

"Permits would also be required for five or more people using a tripod
for more than 10 minutes."

So the proposed law is an ass that could be avoided by shooting for 29
minutes at a time, doing it alone, not using a tripod etc?

Whats their motive in this? A simple revenue generating exercise, a
part of a trend towards cracking down on all sorts of human behaviour
in NYC, a deliberate attack on the amateur, other?


Steve Elbows

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Richard Bluestein"
> Nobody has mentioned the attack on the freedom to do what this group
> exists for. 
> Today is THE LAST DAY to call Mayor Bloomberg's office to protest the
> new rules. 
> Visit http://www.pictureny.org for the specifics including petition
> and contact information.
> If this legislation passes, it will be illegal to to videotape for
> more than 10 minutes if you have a crew. That's 10min including setup
> and breakdown. 
> If you are alone, you only get 30 minutes.
> These rules would apply, if do not have a permit to videotape *AND*
> ONE MILLION DOLLARS in insurance.
> This is an outrage. What I find equally outrageous is that this topic,
> mentioned on July 27 produced barely any discussion.
> What's happened to this group? It used to be about changing the media.
> What exactly is this group's purpose now? To get VC money.
> Disgustedly,
> Richard Bluestein
> insanefilms.com
> and a bunch of other shit

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