On Aug 3, 2007, at 10:07 AM, Richard Bluestein wrote:

> Today is THE LAST DAY to call Mayor Bloomberg's office to protest the
> new rules.
> Visit http://www.pictureny.org for the specifics including petition
> and contact information.

Hey Richard,
Thanks for pointing to this important issue today.

I did something.  I made a video about it.

I posted it to YouTube and a number of other sites.


If people could watch and rate it that would be great.

I've been testing out a lot of video hosting sites to see if my  
videos might find a new audience and testing out TubeMogul for  
posting and tracking.  It's an interesting experiment.

> What's happened to this group? It used to be about changing the media.
> What exactly is this group's purpose now? To get VC money.

There might be some looking for VC money, some are looking for  
sponsors, and others don't care.


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