Hey Daryl!
  I hear you loud and clear and feel your pain.  I agree with your assessment 
that people are  going to YouTube, MySpace, and Facebook in great numbers .  
However, I feel the reasons for this is because people are programmed by the 
media, and individuals who gain to make lots of money by pushing these 
  You're right!  people are not going to these sites seeking real content and 
that's why you should keep your website up and running so they can get that 
from you.   
  Here's what I would suggest to you in order for your website to take off.  I 
would first look at the number of letters you have in your URL this is 
extremely critical.  Count how many letters are in YouTube and MySpace seven in 
total.   Google has six letters in total.  There's a reason behing this.  Your 
URL shouldn't have more than 10 letters if you want people to view your website 
unless you have lots of $$$ to promote your URL.   This has been many own 
personal experience as well.  People want easy to remember URL's.  It's that 
  The next thing I would do is use MySpace to build an audience of people who 
have gotten to know you through MySpace and now like you and want to go to your 
website.  MySpace  offers a BULLETIN feature which always allows you to 
broadcast any new show or event to all your friends on MySpace that same day.  
  Lastly,  I would create a 1 minute video clip anytime you have a new show and 
upload it to YouTube.  You have nothing to lose and all to gain by doing this.  
The reason being is that people will find your show on YouTube, and then go to 
your website for more.   Always remember to advertise your URL in the beginning 
of the video and at the end of your video on your YouTube video clip and on 
your show.  
  That's it!  Don't give up it takes time like all great things in life.  I 
hope this helps and I'll be e-mailing you an invoice for my services today that 
should give you something to be upset about.  Just kidding :)))  Good luck!!!  
You can make it happen..
  Gerry T
  The Gerry T Show
  "Where Dating & Mating Always Come Together"
Daryl Urig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          well maybe i am just not getting it. But it looks to me like people
want to stay in "youtube" and surf videos. Or stay in "myspace" or
"facebook" and view videos and blogs, so why would I want to bother
setting up my own blog and video steaming on my own web server. Why
would anyone want to come to my own website, when they have these nice

And in my opinion, so far Facebbook and myspace looks like a nice
place for a new emerging culture to vent all of their sexual
frustration. Doesn't anyone value real content anymore? Or is everyone
just trying to get laid?

People do not talk this way in public, but when they hide behind a
fictitious user name, they spew out all kinds of perverted stuff.

Is it just my bad experience so far... are you guys and gals having a
better experience than mine? 

Can we show a little backbone?


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