On 01/02/2008, at 2:23 PM, Markus Sandy wrote:

> are you referring to http://www.mystickies.com/ ?
> i think there are several services like this now (sort of defeats the
> point)
> i recall a firefox plugin
> always been surprised that this did not take off more. weren't there
> libel issues in the early days that dampened this a bit?

hi Markus

yep, that's them :-)

in the hypertext development community there was an effort to make  
(well, they did make) systems that let you annotate any other webpage  
and these annotations would be stored centrally to be distributed to  
others who used the service. The point was to add another layer on top  
of published page, much like how you make annotations when reading a  
book, but of course to share these.

thinking out of left field, this would be really cool using flash or  
QT as you could have a layer (toggle its visibility) which could show  
such annotations, eg othre videos elsewhere that refer to this  
particular video. Could be time based too...

Adrian Miles
bachelor communication honours coordinator

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