HI Jim,

Believe it or not research has shown that the most effective pre-roll  
add is the thirty second pre-roll, http://tinyurl.com/289a95  However  
research has also show that uses skip videos with pre-rolls, http:// 

I used a ten-second pre-roll against my best judgement (client  
insisted upon it), but my advice to you if you must insert a pre-roll  
is to keep it as short as possible and hope its over before the user  
has a chance to click away and then follow up with companion links or  
a really great mid or post-roll, or even better, convince the client  
to let you incorporate their product directly into the content.


On Feb 7, 2008, at 1:35 PM, Jim Kukral wrote:

> Does anyone know what the standard time is for a preroll ad? I know  
> there
> aren't really any standards yet for online video. Just looking for  
> feedback
> and opinions. 5 seconds?
> Jim Kukral
> Check out my video show at www.jimkukral.com.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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