
On Feb 9, 2008 7:53 AM, Richard H. Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steve and Rhett,
>  First of all, when Psychiatrists become the good guys in any argument, I
>  find myself tending to be on the other side. In fact, in my opinion, now
>  that I think about it, the Psychiatric model of mental health,
>  pharmaceuticals, and commerce has done a lot more damage in the world than
>  Scientology, or any religion (besides maybe Christianity and Islam).

A complaint I have about Psychiatry is the concept of Forced "medical

If I go to my family doctor and complain about a headache, and he says
I should take an aspirin or a tylenal or something like that.  I can
decide, "no"... "I don't want any of those".  I could say. "no"... "I
don't want any medicine".

If my family doctor tells me I should get a surgery on my knee, or
else I'll have trouble walking all my life... I can decide "no"... "I
don't want a surgery".... "I'd rather just live with this".

But with Psychiatry... if they say you are deemed to be "sick" by a
Psychologist ... it's no different than a prison sentence.  (Actually
it's worse than that.)  They can make you disappear into buildings
with restricted access for years or the rest of your life.  They can
force medication into you.  They force surgeries on you.   And all
against your will!

Now, this isn't an argument for Scientology.

But despite anything you may think about Scientology... that doesn't
validate Psychiatry.

Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc.

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