amen to that.

On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 10:34 AM, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On a more positive note, I think that even if we are forced into a tiered
>> situation, it probably won't last very long. People will be angry and
>> demand more bandwidth. Other companies could rise to the challenge and lay
>> bigger pipes and tubes to meet demand. We may see a temporary information
>> recession, but it's not the end of the world.
> Comcast and other broadband providers need to simply be transparent.
> they cant say they have "all-you-can-eat" service and then throttle
> back how much you actually get.
> this is the bait-and-switch method of business.
> If I'm only going to get 100GB of traffic a month, then tell me that.
> Broadband companies need to say what they are actually offering so
> customers can make educated decisions.
> unfortunately in the US, there is often only one broadband in a region
> (aka monopoly)
> This is why we must also have regulation to make sure that one carrier
> doesn't block certain technologies or websites arbitrarily.
> They must be neutral about what goes "through the pipes".
> Jay
> --
> 917 371 6790

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