Hi there,

We haven't changed anything.  Either format will work.  The showname version 
will only 
return videos that match that show though.

Can you show me a sample of where your forum is messed up?  Email me back at 



Justin Day
Co-founder/CTO blip.tv
Office: (917)546-6989 x2001
Cell: (646)404-3233
AIM: potaton0
Gchat: justin.day

The best shows of the web

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Ron Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey,
> Did blip change their URL structure recently?
> I hacked my forum software to allow blip embeds, and all of a sudden  
> they are not working.
> I noticed that the URL on a new video an associate posted is in a  
> different format:
> showname.blip.tv/file...
> it used to be just blip.tv/file....
> Anybody?
> peace,
> ron

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