Aha. Thanks for this!.

Big Difference if he's making "that kind of money" from implementing
several revenue models at once, rather than somehow making $17,000 a month
from youtube ads.

Also that's got to be on a good month. Seriously :)

again - i'm not trying to be a rally killer here. I just want people to be
realistic in their expectations, and hate it when the numbers don't make
sense, and we're just being bad sports for asking about them.



> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 5:58 PM, schlomo rabinowitz <schl...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> The list has always been like that, though I don't agree with it.
>> I think its partially because this list was around before youtube and
>> rebelled against youtube as a walled garden.
> Nalts has a good posts on the NYTimes article:
> http://willvideoforfood.com/2008/12/11/what-the-bucks-200k-a-year-making-videos/
> And how to become a Youtube partner like him:
> http://willvideoforfood.com/2008/12/10/how-to-become-a-youtube-partner-2-steps/
> Jay
> --
> http://jaydedman.com
> 917 371 6790

Lisa Rein


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