On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 4:33 PM, ratbagradio<ratbagra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "ratbagradio" <ratbagra...@...> wrote:
>> As they say in radio: forget about the hardware.
> They also say in radio: write out your script! because unless you are master
> of your domain you can fall victim to so many traps and mistakes.
> Unless you have cue cards that's not very viable in video production but it
> is the norm nonetheless for most of television and especially news
> reporting.
> There's even of course reading style in sync with writing style with cute
> little tricks for page layout...and inflexion.
> But if you are going to improvise then you'd need full prep as to what you
> are going to say and to whom you intend to say it.So it's a big ask when you
> decide to wing it and it's no wonder the umms and errs can creep in.

Perhaps foolishly, that's what I've decided to do with my blog, it is
really "off-the-cuff" winging it.
I've never had a script, and the most prep I've ever done is maybe a
couple of points scribbled on a bit of paper.
The main reason for that is simply time, I usually have just enough
time to sit in front of the camera for the 15-20min I need to produce
my 10min blog each week. And then there's editing time of course, so I
try and keep that as minimal as possible too.

I figured it's better to get "something" out there, at least to start off with.

If you haven't seen it, here is an episode with me talking about how
and why (#22):

> The best way round is to go do some Improv training or Theatresports. Some
> handy techniques there. Even your everyday stand up comic goes out on stage
> fully prepped and scripted only with a very small margin of improvisational
> change each night and often with palm cards.

Not my favorite comic Ross Noble, but he's pretty unique.
I'd love to do improv training, but if I had time for that then I
guess I'd have more than enough time to write a script for each
episode and do rehearsals and re-takes! :->

> I used to do Punch and Judy and it was totally scripted performance which
> was only added to when some thing really good came up or was suggested.
> Other techniques I've used and rely on is to write out Mind Maps and
> visualize the presentation that way. Online I now use Mindmeister:
> http://www.mindmeister.com/
> People I know before giving a lecture will lay it out first in Powerpoint
> because it anchors their mind and gives formatted order to their
> presentation. Even when they don;t use projection they mentally visualize
> their presentation slide by slide .
> I think that's a great idea....because it's all about being in control of
> your material.

I guess time will tell how my blog evolves.
At the moment it's just fun getting "something" out there with my
minimal effort off-the-cuff style.
If I had to spend a lot of time planing each episode then the fear is
that the fun might go out of it. But it's worth some experimentation.
I've attracted a following, but I don't know if that's because people
actually like the off-the-cuff style, or it's simply the material...


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