I trust the book is free for down loading and streaming to all academic
institutions, students, authors etc.

On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Patricia Aufderheide

> *Our fair use book is finally out! *
> For years, Peter Jaszi and I have been working on a book that synthesizes our
> experience with fair use, which many people in the Center for Social Media
> network contributed to, by helping us learn how communities of practice
> use and improve their use of this valuable right. Thank you!
> The University of Chicago Press has just sent me my first copies of
> Reclaiming Fair Use: How to Put Balance Back in 
> Copyright<http://org2.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?key=-1&url_num=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcenterforsocialmedia.org%2Freclaiming>.
> It's hard to believe it's finally here.
> We argue in the book that a vibrant culture needs vigorous and confident
> employment of fair use, which is the right to use copyrighted material
> without permission or payment in some circumstances. In doing so, we're also
> challenging an all-too-common misconception that current copyright law has
> become unworkable and obsolete in the era of digital technologies. We expect
> controversy, and have already had a peek at 
> it<http://org2.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?key=-1&url_num=2&url=http%3A%2F%2Fcenterforsocialmedia.org%2Fblog%2Ffair-use%2Fchronicle-higher-ed-showcases-fair-use-debate-breaks-out>
> .
>  We worked to make the book short, low-priced and accessible to all kinds
> of creators. It's got quizzes and stories and examples of successful fair
> use. We're eager to get your feedback, as always, at
> socialme...@american.edu
>                 Sincerely,
>                          Pat Aufderheide
> *
> **Please forward this to any and all who might be interested.*
> --
> Pat Aufderheide, University Professor and Director
> Center for Social Media, School of Communication
> American University
> 3201 New Mexico Av. NW, #330
> Washington, DC 20016-8080
> www.centerforsocialmedia.org
> pauf...@american.edu
> 202-643-5356
> [image: Reclaiming Fair Use 9.13.11.jpg]Order *Reclaiming Fair Use: How to
> Put Balance Back in Copyright*, with Peter Jaszi. University of Chicago
> Press, 
> 2011<http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_tl?ie=UTF8&keywords=reclaiming%20fair%20use&tag=centerforsoci-20&index=aps&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=932>.
> Sample *Reclaiming Fair Use! *<http://centerforsocialmedia.org/reclaiming>
> Early comments on *Reclaiming Fair Use:*
> "The Supreme Court has told us that fair use is one of the "traditional
> safeguards" of the First Amendment.  As this book makes abundantly clear,
> nobody has done better work making sure that safeguard is actually effective
> than Aufderheide and Jaszi.  The day we have a First Amendment Hall of Fame,
> their names should be there engraved in stone.  --Lewis Hyde, author, *Common
> as Air: Revolution, Art and Ownership*
> “*Reclaiming Fair Use* will be an important and widely read book that
> scholars of copyright law will find a ‘must have’ for their bookshelves. It
> is a sound interpretation of the law and offers useful guidance to the
> creative community that goes beyond what some of the most ideological books
> about copyright tend to say.”—Pamela Samuelson, University of California,
> Berkeley School of Law
> "If you only read one book about copyright this year, read *Reclaiming
> Fair Use.  *It is the definitive history of the cataclysmic change in the
> custom and practice surrounding the  fair use of materials  by filmmakers
> and other groups."  --Michael Donaldson, Esq. Senior Partner, Donaldson &
> Callif, Los Angeles.
> VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues
> relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control,
> preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and
> related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective
> working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication
> between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and
> distributors.

Jessica Rosner
Media Consultant
224-545-3897 (cell)
212-627-1785 (land line)

<<Reclaiming Fair Use 9.13.11.jpg>>

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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