Marcel Keller <> writes:

>> You're talking about this two-threaded solution as if it is something
>> that exists and will solve all our problems...
> No, for now, it's just an imagination in my mind, a proposal for the
> next meeting, and a strong feeling that it's the right way to do it.

Yeah, I think it would help too.

>> But I still haven't seen it, and I would like to see how you can
>> cleanly seperate the work of the two threads. I'm afraid that the
>> threads will be alternating between working and waiting on the other
>> thread in such a way that we could just as well use one thread.
> My idea is that the Twisted main loop runs in one thread and most of
> the VIFF code in the other. The Twisted thread only waits for I/O and
> the VIFF thread only waits if there is no work to be done.

It's funny -- then we'll have sort of two event loops.

> If the group decides to give this idea a try, I would be happy to
> implement it. I would claim that it can be done in one or two weeks.

So you'll have something when I get back from PKC? :) Seriously, I think
you're right, the code is fairly well partitioned already, so we should
be able to make this change without too much trouble.

>> Also, threading in Python is unfortunately not optimal :-( The Python
>> VM will use a single thread to execute the bytecode, even when using
>> multiple thread in Python. It is only if the threads do things
>> blocking for I/O that you will see a performance increase by using
>> multiple threads.
> I'm aware that Python only runs on one CPU, a friend pointed that out
> to me today. However, the Twisted thread mentioned above would block
> on I/O.

Right, that should help us! Janus has been looking more into Python
threads, so be sure to discuss it with him too.

Martin Geisler

VIFF (Virtual Ideal Functionality Framework) brings easy and efficient
SMPC (Secure Multiparty Computation) to Python. See:

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