Thanks for the response!  Apologies for being one of those people who don't

> > + Show all / hide all &c. for map layers / sub-layers.
> ?
> There
>  already are Show All/Hide All/Toggle options for any layers within an 
> Aggregate layer. (Right click on it -> Visibility -> ...)

I didn't spot this!  I think what i was really looking for when i was clicking
around was a "show only this layer/route/&c." option.  I remember this being a
fairly intuitive thing to figure out in photoshop.  The semantics would be a
little more involved given the nested layer structure, and i can't quite
remember how photoshop made it so obvious.  Gimp has shift-click at least.
I'll think about exactly what i mean :)  Thanks for pointing out the existing

> Otherwise window layout UI ones are saved automatically and only restored if
> you use the Preference->Startup->Restore Window Setup

I can't get this to work: i enabled that option after opening Viking with no
arguments (and no default start up file), pressed F6 to get rid of the mark,
closed Viking and then restarted, and the center mark was back again.

> ?  If you use the 'Select' tool you can drag route points.  The Trackpoint
> Edit tool, as the name suggest only works on Trackpoints.  I was tempted to
> remove the Trackpoint Edit tool mode and force using the Select tool but in
> the end left the original UI as is.

Ah -- i never tried the select tool.  This seems odd to me: the select tool
appears in the section of browsing tools rather than editing tools, and
already the track edit tool provides most of the editing features for the
route points.  Select is nicer to use because it doesn't pop up the dialog,
but maybe it should be moved into the next tool bar section?

> Probably - I never use these map types, so I don't notice when they go
> missing.

Me either -- but when you first start using Viking it's not encouraging to
find a large number of the maps don't do anything, so i thought it was worth
cleaning them up a bit.  Maybe there needs to be a visible warning when
download fails.

> The Wiki is a good place for a collection of potential tile sources a user
> can add to their own configuration:

Ah, cool!



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