A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

No it doesn't (and I'm using almost the same as yours, i.e., Huge version 7.0.42 with GTK2-GNOME GUI) on SuSE Linux 9.3 Professional.

With my own vimrc I get it even with no editfile.

A little experimenting shows that the e flag must be absent from 'guioptions' for the bug to manifest. Here's a new testcase:

  gvim -N -u NONE
    :set go-=e stal=2 wmh=0 wh=999

Now click on both status lines in alternation and see what happens. (Clicking inside the bottom window does select it, but with ":set wmh=0 wh=999" this is usually not possible.)

OK, with this (I also included a "-u NONE") I was unable to select the bottom window by clicking on it. Interestingly, after a ctrl-w j to select the bottom window by moving the cursor to it, I was able to click
on the upper window status line with the mouse to select it.

Consider it duplicated!

For those who are silently browsing: the 'e' option in guioptions is supposed to

   "Add tab pages when indicated with 'showtabline'"

so it doesn't appear like it should have this behavior.

Chip Campbell

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