On 10/23/06, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd suggest that 3rd arg for escape(), if it's neeed (well you
always can brute-force escape things using substitute()), it would
be code of the context (1-5) for which escaping is destined. Because
Vim has at least 4-5 different escaping rules in different contexts:

1) escaping rules for double-quoted strings
2) escaping rules for single-quoted strings
3) escaping rules for :-command-line
4) escaping rules for regexes
5) escaping rules rules for rhs of the mapping.

Escaping would be different for each of those contexts.

I'd say that escape() should take a third argument that specifies the
character to escape with and instead add a new function that does this
kind of more advanced escaping.  That's just me though, and I have my
own user-defined function for dealing with escaping rules.


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