On Mon, 23 Oct 2006 at 12:51pm, Mikolaj Machowski wrote:

> Hello,
> I understand that escape() was primarily designed to escape strings when
> passing to system functions, but personally I never used that and in
> didn't noticed such use in various scripts but very often it is used to
> escape various charaters in Vim's own regexp matching or passing one
> string to some other Vim command.
> Hence is the problem: when escaping ' with escape(), character is
> prepended with \ which doesn't make sense when passing it to other Vim
> command because proper way to escape it in Vim is doubling it with
> another '. Example::
>     :echo escape('as''df', '''')

I didn't even know that you can escape a single-quote inside
single-quotes like this, where is this information burried in Vim help?
It seems to work though, so just checking if it is documented.


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