I didn't knew exactly where to reply

My comments on nohl:
nnoremap <esc> :nohl <bar> echo ""<cr> 
should clear message line and remove highlighting

This kind of one line command is to be put into vimrc, right?
It's not worth implementing it in C code of vim?

I agree that its not a good idea to introduce yet another vim behaviour for new
users. It would be much better to show them where to get information:

Eg why don't we introduce another option "show_new_user_hints" which display
extra messags such like:

Your search triggered highliting. See :h nohl<cr> to get to know how to get rid 
of it..
put set show_new_user_hints=0 to not show these messages.
These messages could be shown similar to "search hit BOTTOM .."

What about mentioning vimtutor and #vim on freenode on the splash screen?

So we can tell them to type :h <topic> ?
Where topic is hard to know for new users.


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