On Mon, 23 Apr 2007 21:10:20 -0500, Robert Lee wrote:
> Counterwish #2: Dump VimScript and replace it with EMCAScript (maybe 
> using SpiderMonkey) so that people don't need to learn a new language 
> just to change the color scheme or keyboard mappings. Yes, this will 
> break backwards compatibility. Tough.

This is a windup, right? I mean, who uses ECMAScript other than
webmonkeys? Certainly not a majority of Vim users - not even a majority
of programmers. If I'm going to have to learn a new language to do
things in Vim, I'd rather it were a simple domain-specific one like
VimScript. Most of VimScript is just Vim commands anyway. Changing a
color scheme or keyboard mappings (the examples you gave) can be done -
indeed, normally _are_ done - using basic Vim commands. To throw your
own argument back at you, why should I have to learn ECMAScript to do
something I already know how to do in Vim (note, _not_ VimScript) anyway?

And yes, I have tried to learn ECMAScript (back in the days when it was
still known as JavaScript) and it certainly didn't feel easy-to-learn
to me, whereas with VimScript I had the basics down in less than a day
- certainly enough to write scripts and know where to look if I needed
to figure something out.


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