On 4/24/07, Ilya Sher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Robert Lee wrote:
> [snip]

> Counterwish #2: Dump VimScript and replace it with EMCAScript (maybe
> using SpiderMonkey) so that people don't need to learn a new language
If I understand you correctly, you assume that
ECMAScript is the most popular language among
the people that wish to customize VIM. How
do you know the assumption is right?

Aw, come on.  Everyone knows ECMAScript.  It's like with HTML:
everyone knows HTML.  It's like on the web and stuff.

I mean, seriously, it's a lot more intuitive to write

Vim.options['formatoptions'] = Vim.options['formatoptions'].replace('t', "")


:set fo-=t

It's all about domain specific languages.  It's said so on the internet.


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